Ant Warland on November 1, 2022
Gravel Segment
From Roman Rd, Kent to Moor Park Ln, Surrey, England
Total Terrain: "The North Downs way is a beautiful route stretching from Dover to Farnham. The riding is rarely technical (though there are some!) and there are portions on tarmac. The route goes northwest from Dover, through Canterbury and then turns south to cross the Kent Downs toward the High Weald, both Areas of Natural Beauty. You’ll then travel north to the Surrey Hills, and on towards Dorking, Guildford and Surrey. There is no formal site for this route, so you can download GPX for the full route here. There are Route variants available. For one see Peter Edwards book here which also includes a link to the South Downs."
126 overlapping segments.
155.68 miles
46 ft minimum
873 ft maximum
6,847 ft gain
6,939 ft loss

100% gravel

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